Solaire Watches supports Trees for All

Solaire Watches supports Trees for All

Solaire Watches supports Trees for All

Solaire Watches Supports Trees for All: Planting the Future, One Watch at a Time

It has been an amazing three years full of development, from designing our watches on the drawing board to assembling and testing our solar movement. And now, we are approaching the launch of our crowdfunding campaign! While we are slowly but steadily approaching that date, we were thinking of ways to contribute even more to a sustainable future, while also ensuring our campaign would succeed. Before long, we found a suitable charity that ticked all the right boxes! So today, we are thrilled to announce an exciting new chapter in our journey. As part of our upcoming crowdfunding campaign, we are supporting the Dutch charity organization, Trees for All, to further our commitment to the environment.

Our Commitment to Sustainability

Sustainability is at the core of what we do at Solaire Watches. From harnessing solar power to reduce battery waste to choosing eco-friendly recycled materials, every aspect of our watches is designed with the planet in mind. Now, we are taking another significant step to ensure our impact is even more profound. For every watch sold during our upcoming crowdfunding campaign, we will donate two trees to Trees for All. This initiative not only contributes to reforestation but also to carbon offsetting efforts globally. Trees for All is a leading organization committed to planting forests worldwide and restoring existing ones. Through projects both abroad and closer to home in the Netherlands, they work diligently to create healthier, sustainable environments.

Why Trees for All

After eyeing and approaching multiple charities both domestic and international, we chose Trees for All because of their transparent and effective approach to environmental conservation. The organization's projects not only combat climate change by absorbing CO2, but also protect biodiversity and provide social-economic benefits to communities around the world. For instance, their efforts support the local populations by creating jobs and protecting their natural habitats, making these projects beneficial for both humans and nature in one go.

Join Us on this Green Journey

By supporting our crowdfunding campaign, you're not just purchasing a watch; you're investing in a greener future. Each timepiece sold brings us closer to a more sustainable world, one where technology and nature work hand in hand. We are incredibly proud to support Trees for All and excited to see the positive impact our collaboration will have. Join us as we strive to not only keep time, but also to make our time count for more. Let's create lasting change together—one watch, two trees at a time. You can join us by following us on our Facebook, our Instagram page or our Crowdfunding campaign!